products.processed meatsPork (Processed)

We have sourced a wide assortment for this category so that there is a product for every need and quality level. Conventional, natural, and organic give you the items that are produced from national, regional and local producers.


Bar S, Daily’s, Farmer John, Farmland, Gusto Packing, Falls Brand, Farmer John, Hormel, Plumrose, Rose Packing, Miller, Charlie’s Pride, Norbest, Butterball, New York Sausage, Saags, Evergood, Silva, and Hoffy.

Turkey Processed (Cooked)

We have sourced national, regional and local producers of turkey items to provide you a selection that is bound to enhance your business. From Conventional, Natural, and Organic, we stock products with the utmost in quality and freshness. Our suppliers offer extensive programs and custom products for retail and food service.


Norbest, Butterball, Turkey Valley, Jenny–O, Carolina, and Foster Farms.

Deli Meats & Hot Dogs

Our commitment to selling the finest products from national, regional and local producers provides a selection that makes any connoisseur hungry. From casing product to artisan deli meats we have the right product for the most discerning clientele.


Charlie’s Pride, Bar S, Gusto Packing, Farmland, Hoffy, Jenny-O, Hormel, Silva, Evergood, Saags, New York Sausages, and Miller Packing
